Creamy, cheesy macaroni with a light, crunchy topping: This is the macaroni and cheese that dreams are made of. A hit of ground mustard brings an unexpected...
There is always room for one more mac & cheese recipe. This newly created version with the addition of ricotta cheese puts a whole new spin on this traditional...
I was really craving baked macaroni and cheese one night so I decided to throw in some other items to make a meal out of it. Everyone loved it and my step-daughter...
This gluten-free dish offers all the melty goodness of a mac 'n' cheese dinner, without the carb-heavy pasta. A dash of curry powder adds a gentle hint...
Easy to make, flavorful. Makes 12 servings, Perfect for those "dish to pass" occasions. Taken From Macaroni & Cheese: 52 Recipes From Simple to Sublime....
From Slow Roasted Italian Site: A grown up Mac n Cheese that is super cheesy and starts with thick cut bacon cooked in a skillet and a magical cheese sauce...
This is a no bake, one pot recipe that my kids think is the best! For a special surprise, add a 15 ounce can of well drained regular diced, or my favorite,...
World-famous chef Jean-Georges Vongerichten is so fond of his wife Marja's ultrarich mac and cheese that it appears on the menu at the Mercer Kitchen,...
This is the ultimate comfort food ever. This was my grandma's recipe passed down from my mother to me. Best thing is that it tastes even better reheated....
Ready, Set, Cook! Hidden Valley Ranch Contest Entry! The classic chicken, bacon, and ranch flavors combined with macaroni and cauliflower to make a quick...
Ready, Set, Cook! Hidden Valley Contest Entry. It has a great ranch taste with a kick of spice and smokiness from the chipotle peppers. The bacon bread...
Not your old box Mac and Cheese ! I found this Recipe on ifood when looking for a Grown Up style Mac & Cheese and I think this is it ! Making this in 4...
Ready, Set, Cook! Hidden Valley Contest Entry. This is the ultimate comfort food! It has all the flavor of your favorite game-day snack and plenty of creamy,...
Who knew you could combine your favorite dip into a mac and cheese? This is heavenly. All your favorite comfort foods in the same dish. I skipped the salt...
This is the only way my husband will eat macaroni and cheese, a food our 4 year old asks for constantly. It is my take on a mac and cheese I had at a nice...
The offered this today and I was interested as this is a dish I grew up with (see Recipe #451594). This is different from my family's recipe. This one...
This was sent to me in a William Sonoma magazine and it's a nice variation on an old classic that tends to be a more grown up taste (IMHO) It calls for...
From the September 2011 Cooking Light (cover recipe). This is the most delicious macaroni and cheese I've ever eaten! No one will know it's full of healthy...
Homemade spaetzle are quick to prepare and really very good. Serve topped with cheese and/or fried onions...or plain with butter...or baked again until...
My kids, like most, love macaroni and cheese. The trick for me is trying to keep it different and adult enough to satisfy more than just the kiddos. I...
Six different kinds of cheeses, a pound of bacon, gooey deliciousness... It doesn't get much better than this. I stumbled upon this combination one night...
Just when you thought mac 'n' cheese couldn't get any better, the Rackhouse Pub in Denver decides to add beer to this quintessential comfort food. And...
Adapted from This is a healthier take on macaroni and cheese subbing cauliflower (or other starchy veggies like turnips, summer squash)...
For a potluck I needed something fast and easy. I had everything on hand, threw it together, and it was gone by the end of the potluck. If you don't want...
Costco's mac and cheese that they sell in their deli section is so yummy, but they only sell it at a certain time of the year. I wanted to try to figure...
This recipe is courtesy of I am posting here for safe keeping and others to enjoy. I made this the other night and my teenage daughter...